Conversational Arabic: Making Calls (24th March, 2013)

In the name of Allah
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Making Calls

هَلْ أَسْ تَطيعُ أَنْ أَسْتَعيرَ موبايْلِكْ ؟ أُريدُ أَنْ أَجْريَ مُكالَمَةً وَلا أَمْلِكُ رَصيداَ في بِطاقَتي
Hal astatiu' an astae'era mobaylek? Uridu an ajreya mukalamatan wa la amleku raseedan fe betaqati.
 – Could I borrow your mobile? I need to make a call. I don’t have any more money on my top up card.

نَعَمْ, تَفَضَّلي
Na'am tafadali.
Yes, here you are

شكراً جزيلاً .لَكِنَّنَي قَدْ أَضَعْتُ الرَّقَمْ .ما هُوَ رَقَمُ دَليلِ الاسْتِعْلاماتْ ؟

Shukran jazeelan lakenani qad ada'tur rakam. ma huwa raqamu dalelel este'lamat.
Thank you very much. I have lost the number. What is the number for directory enquiries?

– أُريدُ رَقَمَ الهاتِفْ لِـ ....
Uridu raqamal hatef le…
I would like the telephone number for

الرقم هو 3725408169 .
Arraqam huwa thalatha sab'a ithnan khamsa arba'a sefr thamaneya wahad seta tes'a
The telephone number is 3725408169 .

 هَلْ تُحِبّينَ أَنْ أَتَّصِلَ بِالرَّقّمِ الآنْ ؟
Hal tuhebeena an atasela berakamelan?
Would you like me to call that number now?

كَلّا , سَأَتَّصِلُ بِهِمْ فيما بَعْدْ .

Kalla sa'ataselu behem fema ba'd
No, I will call them later.

كَما تُريدينَ
Kama turidina.
As you like

سَأُرْسِلُ رِسالةً نَصِّيَّةً بَدَلاً مِنْ ذَلِكْ .

Sa'urselu resalatan nasiyatan badalan min thalek.
I am going to send an SMS instead


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