In the name of Allah
It is our pleasure and honor to inform you all
that our guest speaker for the month of April will be Ustadah Hafsa Dean!
Ustadah Hafsa is a da’ia who reverted to Islam at the age of 17,
4th generation Canadian from Aboriginal decent.
Since reverting Ustadah Hafsa Thompson has been on the path of knowledge,
giving grassroots dawah throughout her community, street dawah,
speaking at many institutes, studying under many mashaikhs and
has obtained her BA with Honours in Shariah
becoming one of the leading knowledgeable female speakers in North America.
Topic: Ramadan: The heart of the matter!
When: Friday, April 27, 2018
Time: 7:00 PM KSA
Duration: 45 min. talk & 15 min Q &A
Where: Class will be announced on Skype and held on Zoom
If you wish to register, please contact one of our admins.
Please feel free to share this announcement with your friends, family,
social media or any groups you may be in.
JazakAllaahu Khairan (flower)
For women only!
Get to know Ustadah Hafsa!
About Ustadah Hafsa Dean